A web interface for the conversor
The JSBD_Conversor is a class developed in PHP that lets you convert a database in MySQL or PostgreSQL to a database understandable for the JSSQL . engine
The JSBD is a set of JavaScript files containing the definition of tables, table data, indexes and other necessary parameters.
To test JSBD_Conversor I developed a PHP interface to read data from a database: JSBD converter
I divided The process into three steps:
- Specify the connection parameters
- Define the tables to be converted
- Convert the database, creating the files that form the JSBD
I hope that the use of the interface to be intuitive
Warning : JSBD converter is just a test an demostration application , JSBD_Conversor can be integrated into any web application as an PHP object , although it is expected that the conversion of databases is done periodically and not on each query to the server. After creating the JSBD it can be used as often as needed without using the converter.
The default parameters allow you to access a MySQL database with the neptuno example . You can create JSBD database you want, then consult them with the JSSQL console
Using the JSBD_Conversor converter:
<?php //conversor class include_once ("cls_JSBD_Conversor.php"); //create the conversor $myConversor =new JSBD_Conversor(); //connection settings /////////////////////////////////// //server $myConversor->_connserv='localhost'; //port $myConversor->_connport='3306'; //user $myConversor->_connusr='test'; //password $myConversor->_connpass='test'; //source database $myConversor->_conndb='neptuno'; //source database type (mysql / postgre) $myConversor->_tipo="mysql"; //destination database settings /////////////////////////////////// //destination directory $myConversor->_basedir="bases"; //name of the JSBD $myConversor->_nombre="categorias"; //Tables to convert /////////////////////////////////// //table name in the JSBD $nombre_tabla="categorias"; //SQL query of the data to insert in the JSBD table $sql="SELECT * FROM categorias"; //types and indexes that we assign to that table /// fields: IdCategoria | NombreCategoria | Descripcion $tipos="numeric,string,string"; $indices=" false,false,false"; //paginated for the table (make a page each x registers) $paginado=0; //(without paginated) //add the table if(!$myConversor->AgregarTabla($nombre_tabla,$sql,$tipos,$indices,$paginado)) { print $myConversor->GetError(); exit; } //Build the JSBD if(!$myConversor->Convertir()) { print $myConversor->GetError(); exit; } print "Conversión Exitosa"; php?>
We also have the option of using a configuration file to store and retrieve the configuration of the converter, for details, see the class documentation .